drive back

(redirected from drive us back)

drive back

1. To return to some place by driving. It only took us an hour to get here, but with all of this traffic, how long will it take us to drive back? Hey, will any of you guys be driving back to campus soon?
2. To transport someone or something back to some place in a vehicle. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "drive" and "back." Can any of you guys drive me back to campus soon?
3. To force someone or something to move away from someone or something else. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "drive" and "back." The ringmaster used a whip to drive the lion back. This tactic should help us to drive back the enemy troops.
See also: back, drive
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

drive someone or something back

to force someone or something away; to force someone or something to retreat. The infantry drove the attackers back into the desert. They drove back the invading army. We drove them back to the border.
See also: back, drive

drive back

to go in a vehicle back to where it started. Mary drove back and parked the car where it had been when she started. You drive us there and I'll drive back.
See also: back, drive
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
See also:
References in classic literature ?
"May it not be another contrary breeze?" said the doctor, "another whirlwind coming to drive us back northward again?" and while speaking he stood up to examine the horizon.
Although this will not offer any consolation to the disappointment of our exit in France, the emotions that are still fresh in many of our minds will hopefully be valuable encouragement to drive us back.
When our scientific engagements begin to unearth curious discoveries that may stray our commonsense, there and then faith is usually needed to drive us back into a normalcy which follows the moral compass of our society.
If I Richard ("Greenies will drive us back to being peasants", WM letters, January 31) is concerned about greens and poverty, I suggest he go and live in Sweden, Germany or Denmark which are by his standards ultra green and trendy, and yet strangely prosperous.
"He loves the club and wants it to do well and wants to succeed and wants to try and drive us back into the Championship.
Everyone has doubts, and perhaps they can be good for us sometimes because they drive us back to the risen Lord for answers.
Distant lightning provided a spectacular backdrop for a glass of Kalahari Gin and a starter, before the rain forced our hosts to drive us back. There, we had potjie - little pots of lamb stew - followed by malva (like sticky toffee pud).
They couldn't partake, both being drivers, but there was a conversation that went along the lines of 'you can drive us back here one evening',' 'it would make a nice run out on a summer evening.'.
"In the end we got back to the match with about five minutes to spare, having begged a stranger working in a bar to drive us back across town."
We spent our first morning canoeing down the River Wye with Wye Pursuits under the tutelage of owner Guy, who showed us the ropes, and was there to drive us back to base after an exhilarating couple of hours navigating the river.
These Boks are physical animals and they were able to drive us back in contact and dominate the loose at times.
He appeared to rule out any possibility of Hezbollah changing its policy toward Syria, saying: "We are continuing on this path despite this intimidation which is intended to drive us back, but we will never give up."
So one night we convinced Jeff to forego his nightly adult beverage and drive us back into the park to see nature's great light show.
Then they'd collect the money, drive us back and beat us up."