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slang A shortening of "hydroponic," referring to marijuana grown hydroponically. Hmm, smells like some people in here are getting high on some dro.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.


and hydro
n. hydroponically grown marijuana. He raises hydro in his basement. He’s got some kickin’ dro. Want a piece?
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
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References in periodicals archive ?
Mediators often state that they are "bargaining in the shadow of the law", and this is certainly the case with the DRO in Calgary.
In contrast, DROs have the authority to change decisions based on difference of opinion or when there is clear and unmistakable error.
DRO is more effective when the interval is initially small and gradually increased than when it is initially large (Repp & Slack, 1977; Topping, Larmi, & Johnson, 1972).
Y noson honno yn Stadiwm Dinas Caerdydd, fe chwaraeodd Ethan Ampadu, David Brooks, Chris Mepham, Connor Roberts, Matt Smith, Tyler Roberts a Paul Dummett eu gem gystadleuol gyntaf dros Gymru.
as DRO while three Additional District and Session Judges have been appointed as
ECP announced it would appoint district and session judges as district returning officers (DROs) in 131 districts, except for the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Fata) and three restive districts of Balochistan province.
Joseline, who's (http://www.ibtimes.com/love-hip-hop-atlanta-star-joseline-hernandez-stuns-new-baby-bump-photos-teases-2453890) due in January , also hasn't the addressed the Dro baby rumors but has repeatedly said her ex Stevie J is the father.
Effaith y Gorchymyn yw gwahardd dros dro bob cerbyd rhag mynd ar hyd: i.
Graham Horne, deputy chief executive of the Insolvency Service, told Your Money the implications of a DRO are similar to bankruptcy.
Dielectric resonator oscillators (DRO) have long earned their reputation as highly temperature stable, very low phase noise and cost-effective microwave sources for telecommunication systems.
What happens when the plan makes an incorrect payment under a non-qualified domestic relations order (DRO)?
One promising alternative is the differential-reinforcement-of-not-responding (DRO) schedule.
A debt relief order (DRO) is one way to deal with your own debts if you do not own your home, do not have much spare income and your debts are PS20,000 or less.
Datblygiadau eraill ar y safle, gan gynnwys gwaith tirweddu a phlannu, draeniau, systemau rheoli dwr wyneb, gwaith mynediad i'r cyhoedd gan gynnwys cau a dargyfeirio hawliau tramwy cyhoeddus dros dro ac yn barhaol, Ffordd Fynediad newydd i'r Orsaf Bwer a ffyrdd mewnol y safle, meysydd parcio, gwaith a gweithgareddau adeiladu gan gynnwys compowndiau adeiladu ac ardaloedd parcio dros dro, ardaloedd gosod, ardaloedd gweithio a gwaith a strwythurau dros dro, ardal dros dro i wylio'r gwaith adeiladu, dargyfeirio cyfleustodau, ffens y ffin a ffensys adeiladu a chysylltiadau trydan.
The ANP man along with party workers protested against the DRO decision and later addressed a press conference at Mardan Press Club, accusing the DRO of favouring his rival candidate in the by-polls.