drive up to (some place or thing)

drive up to (some place or thing)

1. To drive to a place that is north of one's current location. I live in Florida now, but I'm driving up to New York this weekend to visit my family.
2. To convey someone or something in a car to a place that is north of one's current location. In this usage, a noun or pronoun is used between "drive" and "up." I'm drove my sister up to Montana last weekend. The company makes the product in Mexico and then drives it up to Texas for distribution in the US.
3. To drive a particular vehicle to a place that is north of one's current location. In this usage, a noun or pronoun is used between "drive" and "up." I'm going to drive the van up to the new house in Portland next week. My sister recently moved to New York, so I'm driving her car up there this weekend.
4. When driving, to reach a particular destination (and then stop). I'm sorry I didn't meet you outside—I didn't hear you drive up to the house. Tom drove up to the office in a brand new Porsche a week after winning the lottery.
See also: drive, place, to, up
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