What Are the Causes of Indiscipline in Secondary Schools?

Indiscipline in secondary schools is caused by peer group influence, bad company within and outside of the school, lack of discipline at home and school, irresponsible parents and guardians, influence of TV and video games, and lack of teacher’s authority, according to UJ Digispace. Other causes include family problems such as divorce and domestic violence, poor teacher-student relationships, and failure of the school to effectively enforce school rules and regulations.

Indiscipline negatively influences students’ learning outcomes and development. According to UJ Digispace, indiscipline in secondary schools is characterized by disobedience, drunkenness, rioting, absenteeism, arson, violence, dishonesty, idleness, vandalism, disorderliness, sex, drug abuse, corruption, fighting, harassing or bullying other students and teachers, laziness and quarreling, among others. Disobedience is the main feature of indiscipline. Undisciplined students violate the school rules and regulations at will.

Failure of teachers and parents to inculcate good discipline among the learners causes indiscipline in secondary schools. Lack of cooperation between teachers and parents also causes indiscipline because parents may fail to support teachers in disciplining the students. Indiscipline among secondary school students can be solved by inculcating good discipline among children at young age, enforcing school rules and regulations more effectively, and cultivating good student-teacher relationships.