SDG7: Data and Projections
Access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

About this report
The International Energy Agency is at the forefront of global efforts to track access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all, and is one of the co-custodians for tracking progress on Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG7). The other co-custodians include International Renewable Energy Agency, United Nations Statistics Division, the World Bank, and World Health Organisation.
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About the data
This data set is updated with the IEA’s latest energy balances, which serve as the official data on renewables (SDG 7.2) and energy efficiency (SDG 7.3), with support from UNSD to cover the countries that do not appear in IEA balances. The IEA also publishes timely, alternative data for monitoring access to electricity based on administrative data collected from Ministries of Energy. The official SDG data for electricity access (SDG 7.1.1), however, is from the World Bank. Finally, this data also includes the IEA’s latest estimates for the last year’s progress on SDG7 indicators, as well as long-term projections for all the SDG7 indicators.